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Artist Statement

Hello and welcome!


My name is Ethan and Sober Unsober ​is the name and concept behind a ceramic practice. Instead of working under my given name, I wanted to divorce this body of work from myself to help me focus on expressing the balance between stark, sober forms and fantastically unsober forms.

For as long as I can remember, I've navigated the world through touch. My dad always tells the story of how, as a child, I needed to touch everything to understand it. Today, this trait is still central to my creative process. I explore form, balance, and texture through my ceramics practice.

This exploration led me to create Sober Unsober, the concept behind my ceramics practice. Rather than labeling my pieces under my own name, I chose the name to represent the balance I strive to achieve in my work and in life—a harmony between stark, sober forms and fantastically unsober forms. This duality reflects my belief that beauty can be found in both simplicity and complexity, and that true balance lies at the intersection of these two extremes.

My creative process typically begins with a drawing. I sketch silhouettes until the proportions and form feel balanced, capturing the essence of that harmony.


Next, I transform the initial sketch into a section drawing, revealing the intricate interplay between solid and void within the piece. These studies not only allow me to refine construction techniques and experiment with applied textures but also lead to serendipitous discoveries of captivating forms and exciting design challenges.

Through my ceramics practice, I invite others to join me in exploring the world of form, balance, and texture. My hope is that my pieces inspire curiosity and wonder, encouraging people to embrace the beauty found in both the simple and the complex—the sober and the unsober.

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Photography by Lane Maddich
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For all general inquiries, commissions, or new business, please feel free to introduce yourself :)


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insta - @ethnzmrks

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